

Great news we have a new head teacher at Brookfield School, Mrs Lees is a community mind teacher which wants to work with the local Residents.

We will be help set up the Brookfield forum to help fundraise for the school and create community cohesion and spirit in and around the area of Brookfield.

First thing is to support the summer festival to raise much needed money due to the school has had two break in’ s in the past month and a lot of the IT equipment was stolen.

Come and have some fun 

img205 Second we are looking for volunteers 

Volunteers are needed to help fundraise for the school and to do community work in and out side the local area we hope to start up the Neighbourhood Watch road show again, but this time it will be managed by the KNW and we have leant by our mistakes and the resources we gain for this project will stay in trust worthy hands of the KNW committee and will have an sustainable plan attached to it, for years to come.

If you want to Volunteer for the follow

Community Work / brushing Paths / cleaning pathways from snow / doing gardening / shopping / Keeping people from bring alone / joining the road show entertaining the children / wearing characters costumes / giving out news letters / Giving out information at events / stewarding / Security work / Administration / DJ / Dancing / art and crafts Etc.

All training will be given and DBS Checks will be paid for by KNW after certain amount of time Volunteers can expect a reference from the KNW to add to your CV job portfolio.

So please come to the meeting on the 27th June 2019 to sign up or to have a chat!


Yet again we asked our partners from parks and our councillors to help make sure we did not get our MUGER damaged by travellers again and they came up good well done!

KNW is always looking out for the best interests of all


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